Your Personal Astrology Planner 2009: Scorpio

Your Personal Astrology Planner 2009: Scorpio
Your Personal Astrology Planner 2009
Rick Levine, Jeff Jawer


Highly respected astrologers, sought after consultants and frequent lecturers Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer have each authored countless magazine articles and books and appeared on radio and TV programmes. Their 'Personal Astrology Planners' for every sign of the zodiac make great companions to the larger 'Your Astrology Guide 2009'. Each mini-guide caters to one sign, is easy to carry and includes summaries, a journal calendar (to easily track key forecast points for the year) and a special compatibility section that focuses on love and romance. In addition, the last 5 months of 2008 are also covered giving you 17 months of insight in total!

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