There's nothing better than a tricky brain teaser to test your intellect and satisfy your quest for mental challenge. The search ends with this colossal assortment of classics. You will find word puzzles, visual challenges, geometric puzzles, and still others that dare you to venture into a lateral thinking approach. There is something here to appeal to every kind of mind, with exercises to build your brainpower on every page, from bafflers that present their questions as a story or riddle, to bogglers that can be solved within 60 seconds.
Presents a collection of word games, picture puzzles, tricky questions, and other puzzles.
Match wits with the great minds of the world's greatest civilizations in this fascinating collection of ancient conundrums, brainteasers, and mind-benders. * What do prehistoric bone markings and modern...
Divided into a dozen different genres, including Logic, Math, Words, Physics, and Geography, this unique collection is sure to keep your mind occupied for hours.
Sure to make folks scratch their heads and think outside the box, this is the perfect book to pass the time or pep up a party—good clean fun for anytime, anywhere, and anyone!
Solve history's greatest puzzles with this classic collection of brain teasers from The Best Brain Teasers of All Time.
In Killer Sudoku, sub-regions have specified sums, and no number can be repeated within a region.
Here you find ten of the most traditional, classic brainteasers. Tackle and vanquish these problems, and you'll rule the world. (Well, that may be a bit strong, but you can certainly claim dominion over your block.) ...
Ancient Puzzles: Classic Brainteasers and Other Timeless Mathematical Games of the Last 10 Centuries. New York: Bantam Books, 1994. Osen, Lynn M. Women in Mathematics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974. Pappas, Theoni.
And I suspect that many parents will find themselves hooked on solving some of Terry's puzzles, especially his delightful frame problems." —MARTIN GARDNER, puzzle creator and author "This is a rich set of diverse mathematical problems ...
New York: W. W. Norton, 2001. Mabinogion (c. 1050). Anselm, Cur Deus Homo (c. 1090). Thomas Aquinas, Selected Writings (c. 1273). Thomas Aquinas. Selected Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. Trans. Ralph McInerny. New York: Penguin, 1999.