History of Saint Louis County, Missouri: (1911)
And as Walter Johnson shows in this searing book, the city exemplifies how imperialism, racism, and capitalism have persistently entwined to corrupt the nation's past.
"Reviews the history of various aspects of planning in St. Louis City and County and provides insight into planning successes and challenges"--Provided by publisher.
History of East St. Louis: Its Resources, Statistics, Railroads, Physical Features, Business and Advantages
The availability of census records such as federal, state, and territorial census reports is covered in detail ... Vital records are also discussed, including when and where they were kept and how"--Publisher decription.
J. Compton.Over 220 pages of illustrations and descriptions of life in St. Louis in the late 1800's. The preliminary drawings for this work were made early in the spring of 1874.
900 Pine Street Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum (Gyo Obata) 1986 This 44-story office tower – the tallest building in Missouri when it was completed – is the product of an interesting moment in late-20th-century architecture when designers ...
Including Bremen , St. George , and South St. Louis , available residential space in 1845 stretched from Salisbury on the north to Guthrie on the south , a distance of seven miles along the river and five and one - half miles along the ...
This book examines the health care safety net from the perspectives of key providers and the populations they serve, including: Components of the safety netâ€"public hospitals, community clinics, local health departments, and federal and ...
Interactive maps and other companion resources to Citizen Brown are available at the book website.