Have newcomers to American cities been responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime? Dangerous Strangers takes up this question by examining the incidence of criminal violence among several waves of immigrant/ethnic groups in San Francisco over 150 years. By looking at a variety of groups--Irish, German, Italian, and Chinese immigrants, primarily--and their different experiences at varying times in the city's history, this study addresses the issue of how much violence can be attributed to new groups' treatment by the host society and how much can be traced to traits found in their community of origin. Dangerous Strangers fills an acknowledged gap in the literature of homicide studies and broadens our understanding of newcomer violence.
Dangerous Strangers
There is one number you can dial and will always find a trusted adult ready to help. This number is 911, ... If a stranger approaches you and follows you when you try to walk away, yell for help as you run away. If a stranger ever tries ...
Explains why it is necessary to be careful around strangers and offers advice on ways to stay safe.
Explains why one should be wary of strangers and how to avoid being harmed by them.
What measures should we take to safeguard ourselves against criminal assault? In a recent report on crime in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that someone is...
With humor and thoughtfulness, this helpful book helps parents explain children the dangers posed by strangers.
" In this book, Paul M. Renfro narrates how the bereaved parents of missing and slain children turned their grief into a mass movement and, alongside journalists and policymakers from both major political parties, propelled a moral panic.
Looks at how to stay safe around strangers describing who a stranger is, what types of tricks a stranger uses, and who to go to for help if needed.
This book will help children learn and remember rules such as "A is for alert. Always be on alert for a stranger... B is for beware. Beware of tricks strangers may use... C is for code.
Colorful photographs attract readers, while accessible text reinforces key Internet safety concepts. Promoting responsible online use, this book is a key resource for young Internet users.