An agricultural and matrilineal (the women owned all property and determined kinship) society, the Iroquois Confederacy was made up of six nations-the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
Examines the culture, history, and society of the Iroquois.
Indians of the Americas . New York , 1947 . On the Gleaming Way . ... American Indian Leaders : Studies in Diversity . Lincoln , Nebr . , 1980 . > . ... Symposium on Local Diversity in Iroquois Culture . Bureau of American Ethnology ...
Discusses the origin, history, daily life, customs, and future of the Iroquois Indians.
... between Lake Erie and Ontario , to the mouth of Tehoseroron or Buffaloe Creek on Lake Erie ; thence south to the north boundary of the state of Pennsylvania ; thence west to the end of the said boundary ; thence south along the west ...
Discusses the history, customs, religion and way of life of the Iroquois people.
A popular account, based upon material collected for the author's Report ... to the secretary of state [of New York] transmitting the census returns in relation to the Indians ......
Discusses the origins, way of life, spirituality, and social organization of the Iroquois nations, as well as their relationships with the European settlers.
Rich in ethnographic detail, the work is replete with valuable information about the traditional Oneidas: the role of women in tribal councils; mortuary customs; religious beliefs and rituals; warfare; the function of the clan system in ...
... he collaborated with Lewis Henry Morgan on the book League of the Hodenosaunee or Iroquois published in. Faces of the Iroquois Nation 105.