This volume provides a well illustrated, easily read, and no-nonsense guide to Jamaican wild herbs and their several medicinal and related uses. The widespread cultural practice of using a multitude of healing, culinary, and cosmetic herbs is distilled to a core of about 70 species.
The Caribbean is host to one of the most diverse areas of the whole world - both culturally and ecologically. This book takes a look at some of the herbs...
Kim EJ, Kim HJ, Kim SG, Lee YS, Oh JE, Seo JW, Koo JR, Noh JW (2007) Aloe-induced HenochSchonlein purpura. Nephrology 12: 109. Kuhn K, Winston D (2001) Herbal therapy & supplements: A scientific and traditional approach.
But 'civilization' has finally reached their high mountain valleys ... and their culture and knowledge is disappearing. Now, Ivelyn Harris, the last living Maroon healer, has broken her silence.
Jamaica has a high degree of biological and cultural diversity.
This pioneering work is multi-disciplinary in approach as it examines the rich folk medicine of Jamaica.
King of the forest, carry mi seed, donkey peepee, stinking toe, ganja, leaf of life. These are the names of some of the 40 herbs documented in JA Herbs, all with proven medicinal and other uses.
Whether you’re a home cook or a skilled chef, the more than 120 recipes in this book will help you make everyday comfort food recipes to nourish your family as well as unique, artful dishes for special occasions that call for more flair.
Handleiding in woord en beeld over geneeskrachtige kruiden uit het Caribisch gebied.
This book takes a look at some of the herbs and medicinal plants found in the Caribbean, a place awash with ancient herbal remedies for a number of common ailments.
Drawing on the vast experience of its expert editors and authors, the book provides a contemporary guide source on these novel chemical structures, thus making it a useful resource for medicinal chemists, phytochemists, pharmaceutical ...