Rapid Assessment of the Acutely Ill Patient

Rapid Assessment of the Acutely Ill Patient
John Wiley & Sons
Jo Welch, Sheila Adam, Mandy Odell


Rapid Assessment of the Acutely Ill Patient sets out theprinciples and practices needed for early recognition andassessment of patients either at risk of or showing signs ofacute deterioration, or those recently relocated from higherlevels of care. The focus is on patient assessment, interpretationand evaluation of data, immediate management of significantproblems, ongoing and further assessments in order to improveclinical outcomes. Rapid Assessment of the Acutely Ill Patient provides aframework for a systematic initial patient assessment and exploresprinciples of effective assessment. Body systems are considered inorder of life-threatening priority following the ABCDE approach,dealing with the assessment and management of airway, breathing,circulation, disability - and everything else; covering topics suchas visual, palpatory and auscultatory assessment, use of additionaldocumented information (charts, notes etc), and interpretingdiagnostic investigations. Methods to ensure effectivecommunication and team-working are also discussed. Key features Part of the Essential Clinical Skills for Nursesseries Aimed at nurses working in wards and specialistdepartments Explores the assessment skills required for a rapid responseto a patient at risk of becoming acutely unwell Enables students and practitioners to develop practical andinterpretative skills Provides a framework for assessment and principles of firstline treatment Includes ‘Look’, ‘Listen’,‘Feel’ and ‘Measure’ icons Sheila Adam is Head of Nursing, Specialist HospitalsBoard, UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and author of Nursing inCritical Care: Science and Practice (now in its 2nd edition), TheOxford Handbook of Critical Care Nursing and Nutrition in theCritically Ill. John Welch is Nurse Consultant in Critical Care, UniversityCollege London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and former Chair ofthe National Outreach Forum. Mandy Odell is Nurse Consultant in Critical Care, RoyalBerkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Nurse and Allied HealthProfessional representative for the Intensive Care Society andformer Chair of the British Association of Critical CareNurses.

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