God and Morality evaluates the ethical theories of four principle philosophers, Aristotle, Duns Scotus, Kant, and R.M. Hare. Uses their thinking as the basis for telling the story of the history and development of ethical thought more broadly Focuses specifically on their writings on virtue, will, duty, and consequence Concentrates on the theistic beliefs to highlight continuity of philosophical thought
Louden, Robert B., “Kant's Virtue Ethics,” Philosophy 61:238 (October 1986), 473–89. McDowell, John, “Values and Secondary Qualities,” in Ted Honderich (ed.), Morality and Objectivity (Oxford: Routledge, 1985), 110–29.
This short, accessible book is on a major aspect of the arguments against atheism and will interest those intrigued by the "new atheism" (Harris, Dawkins, etc).
William J. Wainwright. 416–17) It should be noted, though, ... Eliot Deutsch, Advaita Vedānta: A Philosophical Reconstruction. Honolulu: University Press of ... Eliot Deutsch and J. A. B. Van Buitenen, A Source Book of Advaita Vedānta.
"This is the book I wish I had written myself. It is simply the best book I have read that tackles the many difficulties that the Old Testament presents to thinking and sensitive Christians.
Legality. Harvard University Press. Sidgwick, Henry. 1907. The Methods of Ethics, 7th edition. Hackett. Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. 2009. Morality WithoutGod? Oxford University Press. Smith, Michael. 1994. The Moral Problem. Blackwell.
Moral arguments for God's existence have undergone something of a resurgence in recent years.
On a Mill-Ramsey-Lewis or “best systems” approach to natural laws, one does not simply posit a flat layer of natural laws but constructs a hierarchy of explanatorily prior laws to account for lower level laws.
In this book, William E. Mann argues in one new and sixteen previously published essays for a modern interpretation of a traditional conception of God as a simple, necessarily existing, personal being.
Is God ultimately required for goodness? In this edited collection, an international panel of contemporary philosophers and theologians offer new avenues of exploration from a theist perspective for these important questions.
Lawrence Osborne, The Poisoned Embrace, Vintage, 1994, p. 68ff. 8. Foucault, The Use of Pleasure, p.116. 9. Osborne, The Poisoned Embrace, p.10. 10. Matthew Fox, Original Blessing, Bear and Company, Santa Fe, 1983. 11.