Cancer is one of the most rapidly changing areas of medicine, affecting ever-increasing numbers of people, and this new edition of Lecture Notes: Oncology brings together all the information a medical student or graduate clinician needs in one accessible volume. It covers the scientific basis and social impact of cancer, describes the origins and presentations of cancer on a regional and system basis, and discusses the fundamentals of oncology treatment and patient management. Including a new section on epigenetics, clinical vignettes, clear illustrations, tables and diagrams, as well as a self-test section of MCQs, Lecture Notes: Oncology provides core knowledge for professionals involved in cancer care.
The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 1 cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam and match into the residency of your choice. * Up-to-date: Updated annually by Kaplan’s all-star faculty * Integrated: ...
Study Guide and Lecture NotebookCORNELL Notes, T.H.I.E.V.E.S. study method, College & High School Lecture Notes, Study Skills, Workbooks, Test Preparation, Instruction Methods, Subject Notebooks This academic STUDY GUIDE AND LECTURE ...
Chemistry 102 Lecture Notes
Written with perfection, this is highly polished 2nd edition of the book. The 1st edition was also published by American Academic Press in January 2016.
However, the existence of motives themselves remains conjectural. This book provides an account of the triangulated theory of motives.
Prerequisites for using this book include basic set-theoretic topology, the definition of CW-complexes, some knowledge of the fundamental group/covering space theory, and the construction of singular homology.
One of the most cited books in mathematics, John Milnor's exposition of Morse theory has been the most important book on the subject for more than forty years.
Presented in an easy-to-use format, this eighth edition builds on the clinical relevance for which the title has become well-known, and features an up to date review of drug use across all major clinical disciplines together with an ...
From 1983 to 1986, the legendary physicist and teacher Richard Feynman gave a course at Caltech called “Potentialities and Limitations of Computing Machines.”Although the lectures are over ten years old,...
This book is based on lectures conducted for two classes at the Maxwell School, Syracuse University: A Public Finance Seminar for PhD students in public administration and State and Local Public Finance for master's students in public ...