For comic-book fans everywhere - an updated edition of the A-Z reference of the DC universe. New and expanded this one-volume encyclopedia of more than 1,200 of the classic characters created by comics giant DC is essential for any fan. With new entries on the latest DC characters and expanded ones on Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the JLA, Aquaman, Catwoman and Wonder Woman, all the world-renowned super heroes and super villains are here, as well as the weird and wonderful one-offs. Special features celebrate some of the DC heroes and villains' more memorable exotic vehicles and weaponry, their titanic clashes, or romantic encounters plus recent story developments including the Infinite Crisis. With a brand new cover designed by Alex Ross, one of the world's pre-eminent comic book artists and thrilling original, comic-book art, the fun and excitement of more than 60 years of comic-book history explodes off every page!
ALLIES Brainiac 13 ENEMIES Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Darkstars, Superman, Imperiex AFFILIATIONS Secret Society of Super-Villains, Suicide Squad DEBUT WildC.A.T.s (Vol. 1) #1 (Aug. 1992) REAL NAME Cole Cash BASE New Orleans, ...
"This definitve encyclopedia features more than 1,000 characters from over 75 years of DC Comics history"--Front jacket flap.
bull; The definitive DC reference book created in full collaboration with DC Comics bull; Illustrated with spectacular images from the original DC comic books bull; Authoritative text by leading DC comic-book writers contains full details ...
The DC Comics Universe changed forever following their epic Rebirth event, and so did the characters. This comprehensive guide covers the latest key storylines for each character and includes stunning new images from the comics.
Presents the LEGO action figures based on the DC universe, describing each figure and vehicle, their variations, when they were made, and the playsets in which they appear.
Delve into Batman's world and meet noble Super Heroes, terrifying super-villains, and everyone in between.
The DC Book is an invaluable roadmap to DC Comics that no fan will want to miss! All DC characters and elements © & TM DC Comics. (s20)
This definitive volume brings Batman's thrilling story right up to date with full details of his exploits in recent DC storylines such as Rebirth, Dark Nights: Metal and Dark Nights: Death Metal.
The Marvel Book is a revealing and invaluable roadmap to a boundless comics universe that no Marvel fan will want to miss! © 2019 MARVEL
Heroes including Spider-Man, the Hulk, and the X-Men are featured in works by Marvel's finest artists, while the authoritative text is supplied by top Marvel comic book experts.