Now in its third edition, Mustill & Boyd: Commercial Arbitration, remains the classic, standard work on its subject. Extensively updated since the previous edition, this essential work provides an in-depth guide to the Arbitration Act 1996 and the practice resulting from it. The new edition also includes expert consideration of the latest case law, coverage of new themes and the latest concepts in arbitration. Combining expert commentary on the origins, essence and characteristics of the Arbitration Act 1996 with practical guidance on the application of the Act in court, this work is still truly indispensable.
Rules on Alternative Dispute Resolution Annotated
Successfully Navigating an International Commercial Arbitration
An Analysis of Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Awards
An Economic Analysis of Consumer Redress Mechanisms
Rau & Sherman's Texas ADR and Arbitration Statutes: Commentary and Annotations
Rau & Sherman's Texas ADR and Arbitration: Statutes and Commentary
Kommentar zu den Zivilprozessgesetzen, Band II/2, 2nd edition [2003], Wien: Manz. Fasching, H. / Konecny, A. (eds.), Kommentar zu den Zivilprozessgesetzen, Band III, 2nd edition [2004], Wien: Manz. Fasching, H. / Konecny, A. (eds.) ...
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Workplace Reform and Award Restructuring: Manufacturing
Workplace Reform And Award Restructuring: An Overview