Business Database Systems arms you with the knowledge to analyse, design and implement effective, robust and successful databases. This book is ideal for students of Business/Management Information Systems, or Computer Science, who will be expected to take a course in database systems for their degree programme. It is also excellently suited to any practitioner who needs to learn, or refresh their knowledge of, the essentials of database management systems.
This book covers the practical aspects of database design, data cleansing, data analysis, and data protection, among others.
Readers learn how to design, develop, and use databases to provide business analytical reports with the three major database management systems: Microsoft Access, Oracle Express and MariaDB (formerly MySQL).
This text also provides practical content to current and aspiring information systems, business data analysis, and decision support industry professionals.
Accompanying student CD-ROM contains a complete sample database application (Rolling Thunder Bicycles) and a second database (Sally's Pet Store) for comparison and additional assignments.
"Modern Database Management" is the leading text in the business database market. It' s noted for its focus on the latest principles, concepts and technologies and what leading practitioners say is most important for database developers.
Business Database Technology provides essential knowledge of database technology for four-year college/university business students who study information technology and data resource management.
This third edition of a classic textbook can be used to teach at the senior undergraduate and graduate levels.
This book provides a concise but comprehensive guide to the disciplines of database design, construction, implementation, and management.
Information and Database Quality is an excellent reference for both researchers and professionals involved in any aspect of information and database research.
The Third Edition has been revised to offer a more flexible way to deliver database management applications. Post continues to have a textbook that covers the core theories and ideas of database management.