Years ago, an ancient Phoenician statue known as the Navigator was stolen from the Baghdad museum, and there are men who would do anything to get their hands on it. What's so special about this statue, Kurt Austin wonders. The search for answers will take the NUMA team on an astonishing odyssey through time and space.
本书写的是艺术, 艺术引发的激情, 以及这些激情可能导致的犯罪, 它关注的是远古时期的美妙雕塑和古希腊, 伊特鲁里亚时期精雕细画的古董器皿.
Si l'on met de côté les vols qui ont pu être commis durant l'histoire le "Musée de la Cité interdite" connut une bonne dizaine de nombreuses affaires d'effractions pour vol.
Mara Coyne's new client has left her uneasy.
Years ago, an ancient Phoenician statue known as the Navigator was stolen from the Baghdad museum, and there are men who would do anything to get their hands on it. Their first victim is a crooked antiquities dealer, murdered in cold blood.
Als een oud Phoenicisch beeld informatie blijkt te bevatten over de huidige locatie van de schatten van koning Salomo, probeert een internationaal misdaadsyndicaat het beeld te stelen.
This collection is meant as a valuable resource to disseminate new results of the research as well as to facilitate a better understanding of the international legislation related to the protection of Cultural Heritage.
ing quarelling with the people of the Necropolis near the temple of Ptah Lord of Thebes . The prince of No said to the people Page 6 ( Pls . III - IV ) ( 1 ) of the Necropolis , ' You have rejoiced over me at the very door of my house ...
For cultural resource professionals working under ARPA's provisions, this book will be an invaluable, guide for daily practice.
Years ago, an ancient statue known as the Navigator was stolen from a museum, & there are men who would do anything to get theirhands on it.
This guidance is designed to assist Judges, Magistrates and their legal advisers in determining the appropriate sentence for a heritage crime.