
Animal intelligence
Claire Throp


Here's an animal lover's one-stop source for in-depth information on orcas, or killer whales! What do they eat? How do they behave? Are they at risk? This book also includes loads of fun and fascinating facts about killer whales, as well as maps, charts, and wonderful photographs of these clever creatures.

Other editions

  • Orcas
    • 2019
    • - pages
    • Paperback
    • Children's Press
  • Orcas
    • 2019
    • 48 pages
    • Paperback
    • Children's Press
  • Orcas
    • 2016-08
    • 25 pages
    • Paperback
    • Capstone
  • Orcas
    • 2014-11-01
    • 48 pages
    • Ebook
    • Capstone

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