The most infamous of conquerors gets the Horribly Famous treatment. Readers can find out everything about Alexander that other books won't tell them, including how he once took on an army of 326 elephants, how he told everyone he was a god, and that his best friend was actually his horse, Bucephalus.
"More than one hundred fifty years after General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, the writings of these two remarkable men continue to spark interest in the Civil War.
In this Special Library Collector's Edition, Historian James W. Edwards has combined the essential elements of Grant's biography with detailed letters written to his family during his tenure, then concluding with all his State of the Union ...
An account of the lives of the commissioned officers during America's war of secession. Including a remarkable collection of photographs of historical and personal memorabilia.
The bloody conflict of North against South told through the stories of its great battles. Illustrated with collections of some of the rarest Civil War historical artificats.
Mark S. Watson , U.S. Army in World War II , subseries : The War Department : Chief of Staff ; Pre - War Plans and Preparations ( Washington , D.C .: Office of the Chief of Military History ( OCMH ) , GPO , 1950 ) , pp . 132–36 . 32.
... 65 , 137-8 , 146–7 , 158 , 181 , Phillips , Admiral Sir Tom , 62 226 Pilar River , 77 Pearson , Drew , 42 Pogue ... 28 Pongani , 112 Perryville , 3 Popondetta , 114 Pershing , General John J. , 11-12 , 16–20 , 23-4 , Port Moresby ...
We Remember Him As Alexander The Great&Epic In Scope And Magisterial In Tone, Steve Pressfield S Breathtaking Novel Tells The Story Of This Legendary Colossus Of The Ancient World Who Was Driven And Ultimately Undone By His Insatiable Lust ...
The sound of artillery and musket came down from the west as Warren's corps bucked across the North Anna on hastily improvised pontoons . Lee was furious — though he himself had made the error in judgment — and stormed at Hill ...