10-year-old Aurora Beam discovers that she's the latest in a long line of girl super heroes in her family - able to shoot beams of light from her fingers! She can't even do a cartwheel properly - HOW CAN SHE BE A SUPERHERO? Will she be able to balance her new skills training with school? Will she be able to keep it all a secret from her friends?
A lightning strike made Lucy, twelve, a math genius but, after years of homeschooling, her grandmother enrolls her in middle school and she learns that life is more than numbers.
Naomi is the biggest pop star on the planet and should be on top of the world... but she's tired of constant touring and missing her school friends and mum.
Aurora Beam is finding this saving-the-world lark isn't all its cracked up to be.
The third laugh-out-loud, high-voltage adventure from superstar ALESHA DIXON in collaboration with Katy Birchall Aurora Beam is a SUPER ANNOYED SUPERHERO.
Warm, wise and utterly enthralling, Molly Gartland’s debut novel guides us from the old communist world, with its obvious terrors and its more surprising comforts, into the glitz and bling of 21st-century St Petersburg.
"Lightning Lady" tells the story of a recovering super-villain who goes to Evil Anonymous meetings (because "You don't stop being evil, you just stop aiming death rays at people").
Candy! Full of humor and "helpful" tips, Max Explains Everything: Grocery Store Expert is the first in a delightful new picture book series starring kid-expert Max!
Twelve-year-old Rose Brutigan has always been different from her twin brother, Thomas, but now she towers over him in too many ways.
Aided through many crises throughout her life by the almost miraculous intervention of a stranger, Laura Shane learns the nature of her awesome destiny when, on her thirtieth birthday, the stranger finally requests her help. Reissue.