Contributions from 6th International Conference Worked Bone Research Group - ICAZ, Paris, 26-31 August 2007 and 10th International Conference ICAZ - Bone Raw Material Exploitation in South America session, Mexico City, 23-28 August 2006.
... direct percussion tangential direct percussion stone anvil + skin stone anvil + skin stone anvil + skin multiple tests 22 bladelets 52 bladelets 65 bladelets 323 bladelets 13 bladelets 27 ridge A debitage flint bladelets wood anvil ...
El límite Pleistoceno -Holoceno en el yacimiento arqueológico de la Cueva de Nerja (Málaga, España): Nuevas aportaciones cronoestratigráficas y paleoclimáticas. Geogaceta, 46,95–98. Jordá Pardo, J. F., Maestro, A., Aura Tortosa, J. E., ...
... Ancient and Wiley E. O. (1988) Vicariance biogeography. Annual Review of Ecology. Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia ... bone flakers. In L. A. Hannus L. Rossum and R. P. Winham (eds), Proceedings of the 1993 Bone Modification ...
This volume presents the results of new research on animal herding and hunting in the central and western Balkans during the prehistoric and historic periods.
... Prehistoric Fishing in the Nile Valley. Journal of African Archaeology 2(2): 251–269. Vass, L. 2010. Bone Working in Roman Dacia, in A. Legrand-Pineau et al. (eds) Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia: Cultural ...
Then, record the terms artifact, biofact, and feature on the chart paper as in this example: □ What do you see? □ What sounds do you hear? □ How does the air feel and smell? □ What is the earth like under your feet?
... Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia: Cultural, Technological and Functional Signature, ed. Alexandra Legrand-Pineau, Isabelle Sidéra, Natacha Buc, Eva David, and Vivian Scheinsohn, 201–10. BAR International Series ...
Ranere AJ, López CE (2007) Cultural diversity in late Pleistocene/early Holocene populations in northwest South America and lower Central America. ... In: Madsen DB (ed) Late quaternary paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin.
Medieval archaeology of the European context: towns, churches, monasteries and castles. In Lang, V. and Laneman, M. (eds.) Archaeological Research in Estonia 1865–2005, 159–192. Estonian Archaeology 1, Tartu. Ryder, M. 2000.
The story of the humble turtle and its hunter, she argues, came to play a significant role in shaping the maritime boundaries of the modern Caribbean.