Collection of sixty-five cases of erroneous criminal convictions of innocent people, the causes of error being due in the main to mistaken identification, circumstantial evidence, or perjury, or some combination of these. Includes an analysis of the statutes of European countries providing indemnity for wrongfully convicted and arrested persons to be used as a basis for American legislation.
Richard Moran , " The Presence of Malice , " New York Times , 2 August 2007 . Appendix : States Paying Restitution for Wrongful Convictions in Capital Cases ( pages 241–242 ) 1. Adele Bernhard , “ When Justice Fails , ” 6 U Ch L Sch ...
Der Verzicht auf Entschädigung für Strafverfolgungsmaßnahmen: zugleich ein Beitrag zur Problematik strafprozessualer Absprachen
In Examining Wrongful Convictions: Stepping Back, Moving Forward, the premise is that much can be learned by "stepping back" from the focus on the direct causes of wrongful convictions and examining criminal justice systems, and the ...
... Rechtsschutzes vor staatlichen Ge- richten in Polen , in : Peter Gottwald ( Hrsg . ) , Effektivität des Rechtsschutzes vor staatlichen und privaten Gerichten ... Rechtsschutz im Bereich staatlicher Eingriffsverwaltung , 1971 . Erişgin , Özlem ...