Hairdressing: The Foundations : the Official Guide to Level 2

Hairdressing: The Foundations : the Official Guide to Level 2
Leo Palladino, Martin Green, HABIA.


This revised edition of Hairdressing: The Foundations is mapped to the new QCF hairdressing qualifications and is the ONLY guide to hairdressing fully endorsed by Habia!Following on the legacy of this leading textbook, this edition is packed full of cutting edge photographs, expert advice, stimulating activities, end-of-chapter revision questions and FREE online student resources to make learning engaging and fun! Written by two of the most respected authors in the training industry, the Palladino and Green texts have been trusted by generations of hairdressers and continue to engage and inspire learners training to succeed in the hairdressing industry. A range of fully blended online interactive teaching and learning resources are available to accompany this textbook, including a lecturer's e-teaching website; U2Learn, a student online learning solution; and Learning Assistant e-Portfolio which helps centres speed up the assessment and verification process.

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