Reflecting the latest trends and issues, the new Europe, Middle East & Africa Edition of Business Marketing Management: B2B delivers comprehensive, cutting-edge coverage that equips students with a solid understanding of today’s dynamic B2B market. The similarities and differences between consumer and business markets are clearly highlighted and there is an additional emphasis on automated B2B practices and the impact of the Internet.
The World Wide Web as an Industrial Marketing Communication Tool: Models for the Identification and Assessment of Opportunities
S. Douglas and S. Craig , International Marketing Research ( Englewood Cliffs , N.J . ... This section is based partly on an unpublished study by Edith Phillips , “ Applications of Various Market Research Methods in the Industrial ...
Beneficios a través del marketing estratégico: las claves del éxito en el nuevo entorno competitivo de los negocios
Singh , J. , R. Howell , and G. Rhoads ( 1990 ) , “ Adaptive Designs for Likert - Type Data : An Approach for Improving Marketing Surveys , ” Journal of Marketing Research , 27 ( August ) , 304-321 .
Updated with cutting-edge online examples and the latest success stories, this accessible handbook will enable any company to profit from business-to-business techniques.
This book gives students the practical foundation they will need to become successful business marketers.
Business Marketing
Industrial Marketing
Business Market Management (B2B): Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value