This book, based on a highly successful series of articles in Practical Boat Owner magazine, is a detailed practical guide to sailing around the UK - all by means of day sails. RogerOliver, a passionate sailor, explains his in-depth passage planning,boat preparations, weather checks and log-keeping, as well as hischoice of routes, the detailed navigation, sail trim tips and on-passagemaintenance, all for the benefit of sailors who have a yen to follow inhis footsteps. Packed with a wealth of practical tips onseamanship, anchoring in high winds, coping with big seas,problem-solving, harnessing the tide, sailing short-handed and livingaboard for extended cruising, this book will be a godsend to the manythousands of sailors who enjoy coastal cruising and who will discover(as did Roger) that it is perfectly possible to cruise around the wholeof the UK in a series of day sails. With this book to hand, andinspired by Roger's detailed route maps and spectacular photographs,anyone can experience the thrill and enjoyment of sailing around thebeautiful and varied UK coast from any starting point.
A Good Butcher for the Yacht Corsair
... glass White Wine Red Wine Chardonnay Nathanson Creek Cabernet Sauvignon Nathanson Creek California $4.00 California $4 .00 Sauvignon Blanc Santa Rita Merlot Louis Eschenauer Chile $4.00 France $3 .50 Mouton Cadet Rothschild Mouton ...
Rejoin Annie and Peter aboard Badger for an exploration of the east coast of South America and the Falkland Islands in this second book by Annie Hill.
A new series of books in colourful cartoons. This is the first book in the series for 7-11 year olds, which is being published to coincide with the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic.
... 32 General W.P. Richardson 21 Kristina Cruises 570 Nordkapp 592 George Washington 9 Kristina Regina 570 Nordlys 572 Giovanna C 10 Kungsholm 13 , 16 , 22 Nordnorge 572 Glacier Bay Explorer 237 LaGuardia 21 Nordstjernen 572 Golden ...
France took possession in 1853 and created a penal colony where convicts were sent to mine nickel deposits . In 1956 , New Caledonia became a French Overseas Territory , and in 1998 , there was a referendum for self - determination .
This book follows the adventures of a retired Canadian couple in their mid-sixties, who in 2009 set out on a three-year voyage from Vancouver.
This valuable guide assists you in selecting the ship best suited to your taste, advises you on how to prepare for your cruise, and explains what to expect once you are onboard.
Guide to the Cruise Vacation