Their average age was twenty-five. They came from Berkeley, Cambridge, Paris, London and Chicago - and arrived in New Mexico ready for adventure or at least resigned to it. But hope quickly turned to hardship in the desolate military town where everything was a secret, including what their husbands were doing at the lab. They lived in barely finished houses with a P.O. Box for an address, in a town wreathed with barbed wire, all for the benefit of 'the project' that didn't exist as far as the greater world was concerned. They were constrained by the words they couldn't say out loud, the letters they couldn't send home, the freedom they didn't have. Though they were strangers, they joined together - babies were born, friendships were forged, children grew up. But then 'the project' was unleashed and even bigger challenges faced the women of Los Alamos, as they struggled with the burden of their contribution towards the creation of the most destructive force in mankind's history - the atomic bomb. Contentious, gripping and intimate, The Wives of Los Alamos is a personal tale of one of the most momentous events in our history.
A history of the cultural side-effects of the atomic age examines cartoons, jingles, radio shows, slang, opinion polls, novels, and poetry of the 1940s to demonstrate how deeply the bomb penetrated American life and thought
Galbraith's account of his exploits , particularly the interviews he , Ball , and Nitze conducted with Albert Speer , the German economic czar , is lyrical.3 Inevitably the civilian investigators gave less credit for victory to the ...
Assault in Norway
Assault in Norway: The True Story of the Telemark Raid
15 He told Major Crocker, the British SIS official working on IDB, of his concerns and encouraged him to expedite his activities. 'I have advised VULCAN,' he reported to Schmidt, 'of the uncertainty of my position here at the moment, ...
At last the great night of homecoming arrived. We positioned ourselves on a little hill overlooking one end of the playing field. A rival group led by a mad archer named Bruce was about 200 yards away. They were using a few feet of ...
Impact of the Cold War on American Popular Culture
Written in a compelling and riveting style, this is the clearest, most accurate, and most informed account to date of a major scientific achievement that has affected all our lives.
The Atom Bomb and the Future of Man
Now published in its entirety, here is the Smithsonian's original Enola Gay document, with an introduction that covers the controversy and explains the issues at stake in remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki 50 years later.