RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have to Try

RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have to Try
Nature study
Jamie Ambrose


Get outdoors and explore nature with a new activity every day of the year Watch shooting stars, build a frog house, or cook using the sun! With RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have To Try! you'll find an incredible 365 outdoor pursuits to keep your little ones occupied all year long. Produced in association with the RSPB, Europe's leading wildlife charity. From easy-to-do garden projects to more ambitious building projects, there's an activity for all interests and abilities. You'll only need readily available materials such as paper, sand, or soil to complete projects. Plus, clear step-by-step instructions and photos show you what to do every step of the way. Wherever you are in the world, use whatever's at your doorstep and get the whole family exploring nature together. Or encourage your child to observe and interact with nature on their own with RSPB 365 Outdoor Activities You Have To Try!

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