"Sergeant Amy Callan and Lieutenant Caroline Cook have a lot in common.
R. Smith in J. F. A. Ajayi and R. Smith, Yoruba Warfare in the Nineteenth Century, 2d ed. (Cambridge, Eng., 1971), pp. 13-14. Recruitment seems to have been arbitrary,69 but the slaves remained 38 The Islamicate Context.
The Ancient World
Duke Eberhard - Ludwig received permission under the Treaty of Ryswick in 1697 to retain two thousand soldiers , and these he dressed in pretty yellow uniforms . However , financial stringency forced him to reduce his forces to eleven ...
Trueman Cross published a compendium of legislation concerning the army, the first of many such collections, including one edited by Alfred Mordecai. But collected works of legislation or tactical manuals that were little more ...
The Narrator-the new novel by Michael Cisco, author of The Traitor and The Divinity Student-is also his most sophisticated.
Thomas Audley and the Tudor "arte of Warre"
17 C. P. Stacey , Six Years of War , Queen's Printer , Ottawa , 1955 , pp . 4-5 . Morton , The Canadian General , pp . 355-60 . 18 Stacey , Six Years , pp . 10-13 . 19 Ibid . , pp . 30-1 . 20 Ibid . , pp . 77–8 .
AN Room An archer used both hands to fire arrows from a composite bow . Chariots Chariots were introduced to Egypt by the Hyksos and , during the New Kingdom , they were adapted to become lighter and faster .