This first-ever Surgeon General's Report on bone health and osteoporosis illustrates the large burden that bone disease places on our Nation and its citizens. Like other chronic diseases that disproportionately affect the elderly, the prevalence of bone disease and fractures is projected to increase markedly as the population ages. If these predictions come true, bone disease and fractures will have a tremendous negative impact on the future well-being of Americans. But as this report makes clear, they need not come true: by working together we can change the picture of aging in America. Osteoporosis, fractures, and other chronic diseases no longer should be thought of as an inevitable part of growing old. By focusing on prevention and lifestyle changes, including physical activity and nutrition, as well as early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, Americans can avoid much of the damaging impact of bone disease and other chronic diseases. This Surgeon General's Report brings together for the first time the scientific evidence related to the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of bone disease. More importantly, it provides a framework for moving forward. The report will be another effective tool in educating Americans about how they can promote bone health throughout their lives. This first-ever Surgeon General's Report on bone health and osteoporosis provides much needed information on bone health, an often overlooked aspect of physical health. This report follows in the tradition of previous Surgeon Generals' reports by identifying the relevant scientific data, rigorously evaluating and summarizing the evidence, and determining conclusions.
Cummings , S.R. , D.M. Black , D.E. Thompson , W.B. Applegate , E. Barrett - Connor , T.A. Musliner , L. Palermo , R. Prineas , S.M. Rubin , J.C. Scott , T. Vogt , R. Wallace , A.J. Yates , S.S. Miller , M. Davidson , M.A. Bolognese ...
It's easy to take this growing expanse, this “middle- age spread,” as a personal affront. It's right there in front of us, all the time, ... I've followed Paleo, low- fat, low- carb, vegetarian, vegan, and anti- obesogenic diet plans.
Bone Health Basics: Tips for Preventing and Managing Osteoporosis provides easy-to-understand information for people with osteoporosis and for people who want to know more about their bone health and prevent future fractures.
Pharmacist-trained Ronda Gates and nurse/researcher Beverly Whipple pool their talents to bring women the most up-to-date information, statistics, and treatment options to help them keep their bones strong.
If you’re looking for a pharmaceutical-free way to restore your bone health, look no further—this is the definitive guide to safely and naturally stave off osteoporosis and reclaim your health.
This comprehensive guide includes information on: What to eat for stronger bones Choosing bone-building supplements and osteoporosis medications Foods and medications that may be contributing to bone loss Signs and symptoms that can help ...
This second edition brings on board John Bilezikian and Dirk Vanderschueren as editors with Eric Orwoll. The table of contents is more than doubling with 58 planned chapters. The format is larger – 8.5 x 11.
This book compiles the latest information about bolstering bones, from prevention to treatment, into a single, easy-to-understand resource.
The book also sheds light on basic bone biology, how aging affects the bones, the risks and benefits of drugs and alternative treatments, a comprehensive breakdown of calcium supplementation – and some delicious recipes for bone-building ...
The idea for this volume came out of a symposium organized by the editors at the 70th annual meeting of The American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Kansas City, Missouri.