Deszcz - Pan , M. , Rodriguez , B.D. , Doucette , J.P. , Godbout , M. , Williams , J.M. , Sawyer , D.A. , Stone , B.D. , and Grauch , V.J.S. , 2000 , Digital airborne time domain electromagnetic data ...
Pajarito Plateau, Jemez Mountains volcanic field, New Mexico, USA, in Goff, F., Kues, B.S., Rogers, M.A., McFadden, ... Geology and Water Resources of the Santa Fe Area, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1525, 258 p.
HYDROGEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK OF THE LA BAJADA CONSTRICTION: PARTLY BURIED STRUCTURAL TROUGH CONNECTING THE SANTO DOMINGO ... by V.C. Kelley as the area where the Rio Grande rift narrows between the Española and Santo Domingo basins, but new ...
Geology of the Taos Region: New Mexico Geological Society, Fifty-fifth Annual Field Conference, September 22-25, 2004
Geologic Map of the Albuquerque 30ʹ X 60ʹ Quadrangle, North-central New Mexico
Continental Rifts
This book bridges the historical dichotomy between the hydrogeologic perspective of permeability as a static material property and the perspective of other Earth scientists who have long recognized permeability as a dynamic parameter that ...
This book provides the background, physical instrumentation and geological aspects behind any study of the magnetic anisotropy of a rock in a comprehensive and practical way.
In this text, attention is focused mainly on those literature is accessible, however, it is to be expected countries in western Africa lying south of the Sahara, that teachers and lecturers will know of it and will be that is, between about ...
The papers in this book represent the current state of investigations in magnetic anisotropy studies as a discipline that integrates geological interpretations, mineral fabric development, technical advances and rock-magnetic properties.
Written in flowing prose & supplemented with compelling photography, this is the story of a new active volcano in the middle of a Mexican cornfield & its effect on a...