I was interested in seeing Midway, having read many books about the great naval battle near there during World War II and seeing the Charlton Heston movie about ten times. It looked small and barren, but it did have an emergency ...
Then two new factors entered the picture and altered Camm's design philosophy yet again , the Rolls - Royce P.V.12 and a ... The engine supplied by Rolls - Royce was the 11th of the development series and was to the Merlin C build which ...
A staunch advocate of airpower, Brigadier General William Mitchell's ideas were controversial in a time when the general and the admiral were deemed the sole proprietors of modern warfare.
"This book commemorates the 37th annual GOE [Gathering of Eagles] program by providing a published collection of oral history interviews from selected Eagles.
LELAND KENDALL PEARSON (PETE), 1 st Lt., S/N A02078 1 1 3 was born on May 17, 1925 at Picayune, MS. A high school student before the war volunteering at graduation on June 28. 1943. Went to Miami Beach, FL for basic training on August 6 ...
Beretter om den amerikanske organisation, "Valiant Air Command" (VAC), der har til formål at restaurere museumsfly og holde dem flyvende. Mange farvefotos af de restaurerede fly.
Kenneth L. Porter 5 victories Dowagiac Kenneth Lee Porter was born on the 6th of December, 1896 in Dowagiac, Michigan. As a young man, He attended the University of Michigan, where he received a degree in engineering before enlisting in ...
18 Gene D. Hendrickson, Colonel, US Marine Corps, "A Vision of the Marine Corps," Marine Corps Gazette 74 (February 1990): 14. Colonel Hendrickson was assigned to the Marine Corps Research, Development, and Acquisition Command at the ...
Dr. Mark D Mandeles. Notes 1. Arthur L. Stinchcombe. Constructing Social Theories (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1968), 47-53. 2. Discussion of levels of analysis is a rich subject in philosophy of science and methodology.
A modern aircraft is a jigsaw of software-controlled sub-systems designed to excel in air combat.
At Simon & Schuster , Allen Peacock provided the best editorial guidance I have ever known . Alice Mayhew took responsibility for the manuscript at a critical juncture , doing the solid job for which she is widely respected .