Truth about Our Resurrection

Truth about Our Resurrection
Trafford Publishing
Frederick Fuhrmaneck


Leaders of the Christian Church have failed to use spiritual knowledge to show our equality, or the truth of our resurrection. Let's wake up before it's too late. The main reason for writing this book is to show everyone of this world how and why we are all created equal, which seems to be a mystery to everyone; also, that every human being in this world are all Sons of God, but must be sons brought unto glory. And to show all other religions of the world how true the Holy Bible is by all its prophecies that have come to pass which no other religion can do. The inward man or Spirit of God, or the breath of God which dwells in this body of ours is why we are all sons of God. And Paul calls him the inward man and he is eternal also, and will be with God forever if we show God we want it or that place called Hell. The teachers and leaders of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ have failed to use this spiritual knowledge to show the truth about our resurrected bodies and who we really are. And thsi is the power the true Church needs to evangelize to the whole world. Our Lord wants a big harvest of Souls before He ends the Church age. To the Church of God, let's wake up before it is too late. P.S. Let's tell it as it is. The Author. 1 - Truth About Our Resurrection Learn the truth about who we are, and why we are eternal. Only this body will die and be resurrected. Read my book. 2 - God Is The Father Of All Read and find out why everyone is a son of God, but must become sons unto glory, then you will understand why God is the Father of all. 3 - We Are All Created Equal Read and find out why all human beings are created equal which seems to be a mystery to everyone. 4 - What Or Who Is The Mind This may be the first time this information has ever been revealed. Read my book to receive the answer. 5 - Death Experience True Millions of people worldwide have made claim to the out of body experience. The Holy Bible, the word of God, explains it is true. My book contains the information from the Bible. 6 - Gospel Preach To The Dead One of the most unanswered questions concerning our Lord Jesus Christ is what about the people who never had a chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, will they go to hell because Christ is the only way to God? Read the "Gospel Preach to the dead" in the book for the answer. 7 - Jews and The Next Holocaust Read and learn that we are in the last generation, in which our Lord comes back. 8 - Read and find out why the kingdom of God is within everyone. 9 - What is the power behind the New Age Movement? That everyone are Gods themselves. If we show the world the truth from the bible - that everyone is a son of God - you will see the New Age decline, and the Church increase. My book has the answer as to why we are all Sons of God. 10 - The End of Seedtime and Harvest. Genesis Chpts. 8 v 9 This is God's way of telling us that the end of all Human Beings of flesh and blood or whatever is under seed time - and they will be no more. The author has nine pages that explain the quick and easy way to understand the end of time, or the end of God's creation of all Human beings.

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