Consciousness, Intent, and the Structure of the Universe

Consciousness, Intent, and the Structure of the Universe
Jeffrey Keen


A ground-breaking book, which challenges accepted beliefs by proving with scientific precision, that consciousness involves more than just your brain and actually depends on the very fabric of the Universe. Is this book the missing link that some scientists have been reluctant to accept? Jeffrey Keen explores consciousness and its relation to the universe. This book is the culmination of years of research work by Keen who has identified, observed, and measured universal energy fields that have not previously been detected - either by the usual five senses, or by existing scientific instruments. Through his pioneering discoveries, this book unquestionably demonstrates and explains the ancient mystery of dowsing and its connection to the cosmos. Evidence is provided that there exists a universally pervading Information Field, which is the current front-runner in the evolution of understanding consciousness. The book demonstrates that because the brain readily interacts with the Information Field, there is a link between consciousness, intent, and the structure of the Universe, quantum theory and other topics currently being researched in Physics. All of the above has been achieved by using the orthodox scientific approach of involving geometry, numbers, universal constants, ratios, and measurement. It is shown that the conscious mind extends over vast distances, and is much more than just a physical brain within a skull. The above interpretations of experimental results have fundamental significance. This changes the way we see the Universe, and should gradually produce a paradigm shift in the way we think, comparable to us no longer believing that the Sun goes round the Earth in spite of it appearing to be obvious. These are indeed exciting times!

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