A survey of major changes in American life and ideas during the first half of the twentieth century, focusing on economic expansion and its influence on the American standard of living, thinking, and citizenship.
The Essential Guide to Rolling Back the Progressive Assault and Putting America Back on Course
The Moss building has the Greek - columned majesty one used to associate with federal structures and banks — architecture conceived to command the respect of those who enter and put at ease the worries of those who value what is held ...
This first volume in The Americans trilogy defines the unique qualities of the American nation and rediscovers the American character and way of life as it was shaped in the decisive years between the coming of the Pilgrims and the winning ...
Sommaire :L'aventure coloniale.
Az amerikaiak: a gyarmatositás kora
"In Barbarian Virtues, Matthew Frye Jacobson shows how American conceptions of peoplehood, citizenship, and national identity were transformed in these crucial years by the escalation of economic and military involvement abroad and by the ...
... Vijay , 213 Annenberg , Walter , 154 Anthony , Susan B. , 62 Aquinas , Thomas , vii , 8 , 55 Arbitrary choice , 226-31 ... 158 Carroll , Charles , 76 Carroll , John , 76 Carroll , Lewis , 53 Carter , Jimmy , 22 , 218 Eakins , Thomas ...
It is popularly believed that many immigrants had their names changed—simplified, usually—by officials at Ellis Island. Versions of this story vary from the immigrant who has his name “translated” into English, so that Arnold Zimmermann ...
Overzicht in woord en beeld.
本书是在作者十卷本《美国史》基础上浓缩的一个简明插图本美国史,从美国建国前一直写到“9·11”事件。描写了美国历史上的重要人物及事件 ...