This important new book on criminology is a major attempt to evaluate actual victim compensation programs as well as their political and economic contexts, through the eyes of the victims themselves. Elias traces the experiences of violent-crime victims throughout the entire criminal justice process, comparing New York's and New Jersey's victim compensation programs. He shows how programs differ when compensation is viewed essentially as welfare and when it is viewed as a right. The study uses extensive interviews with officials and with violent crime victims. The study indicates victim compensation programs largely fail to achieve their stated goals of improving attitudes toward the criminal-justice system and the government. The programs produce poor attitudes toward government and criminal justice.
Arson Victims: Suggestions for a System Response
ities has typically focused on issues such as the amount of interest shown by authorities and whether or not authorities treated the victim in a friendly manner ( see Zeilstra and Van Andel , 1989 , 1990 ; Van Hecke and Wemmers , 1992 ) ...
If a criminal blinded a slave , the amount of compensation was half a mina of silver . ... In cases where the stolen object was found in a search of his house , he was to pay three times the value , or four times the value if he ...
The Victim of the System is a powerful and entertaining thriller about the justice system, closure and the abyss between them.
Violence Against Women: Victims of the System : Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred...
This is to say, the support offered has no major effects; the influence of the criminal justice system and the victim support services in the emotional well-being of crime victims is rather neutral.
"Recent years have seen a heightened awareness of the plight of victims of crime and of their neglect by the traditional criminal justice system with its bureaucratic and institutional processes....
From Crime Policy to Victim Policy: Reorienting the Justice System
A Step Towards Victim Justice System: Nepalese Perspective
This book traces victims’ active participatory rights through different procedural stages in adversarial and non-adversarial justice systems, in an attempt to identify what role victims play during criminal proceedings in the domestic ...