Take your teaching practice to a new level with these research-based strategies for instruction, assessment, and classroom management! This Facilitator's Guide to accompany the best-selling book, What Successful Teachers Do, by Neal A. Glasgow and Cathy D. Hicks, has been designed to provide staff developers and educational leaders with all the tools needed to design a workshop or study group based on the authors 91 key strategies for improving and reenergizing classroom practice. This Facilitators Guide follows the book closely, and features chapter-by-chapter study questions, activities, journal writing exercises, and practical application suggestions for each section. Key topics from the book are examined, including discipline and classroom management, assessment, relating to students, working with special needs students, embracing diversity, and integrating technology in the classroom. In this essential resource, the authors follow up on the central themes from the book-the 91 strategies used by successful teachers-with clear examples for using them in instructional settings and tips for avoiding common pitfalls. Highlights for the facilitator include: Chapter summaries Discussion questions Journal writing exercises Applications to daily practice Sample workshop agendas Timed activities Suggestions for working with both small and large group sizes Workshop evaluation forms This Facilitators Guide will help illuminate teachers understanding and use of the strategies in What Successful Teachers Do, and provide opportunities for reflection and dialogue. It can be used for individual study and for groups of any size-pairs, small groups, and large groups.
Help teachers improve instruction and student achievement with research-based methods for organizing curricular goals, designing lessons, integrating assessment with instruction, developing a culturally sensitive environment, and more.
Written to accompany the second edition DVD of Todd Whitaker’s best-selling title, What Great Teachers Do Differently, this facilitator’s guide is a practical resource for teacher workshops, study groups, PLCs, and school improvement ...
Inclusion facilitators are educators who do more than teach children with disabilities'they advocate for change in schools and communities, sparking a passion for inclusion in teachers, administrators, and families and...
Use this facilitator's guide to demonstrate practical instructional and classroom management strategies that will help new instructors develop proficiency and confidence during their initial year of teaching.
Also includes the book The New Art and Science of Teaching Robert J. Marzano's five decades of education research come to life in this book and video workshop.
Although principals need not have been “star” teachers, they must, in this author's view, have had significant and successful experiences as classroom teachers. Most fundamentally, they must appreciate that effective schooling begins ...
A companion volume to Diversity in the Classroom, this guide presents 13 cases designed to help individuals and groups reflect on teaching.
The Habits of Heroes Success and Leadership Workbook is a 6-Week Course Outline which includes "5 Keys" to Success and Leadership.
2004,144 pp.paperback 6691 $29.95 plus shippingand handling Also available— Study Guide: What Great TeachersDo Differently: 14 Things thatMatter Most Beth Whitaker and Todd Whitaker 2006, 96 pp. paperback 7024X 101 “ANSWERS” FOR NEW ...
In this book, Zaretta Hammond draws on cutting-edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain-compatible culturally responsive instruction.