"Essentials of Operations Management" has been designed for those who want an inexpensive text that will provide only the essential information related to operations. Written by an author with many years of teaching experience at both the undergraduate and MBA level, "Essentials of Operations Management" takes a global approach and places emphasis on strategy and forecasting.
New to this Edition: - New and greatly expanded coverage of the most relevant contemporary topics in OM, including corporate social responsibility and ethics, lean manufacturing, outsourcing vs. insourcing, and zero hour contracts - Over 30 ...
This book discusses the main areas of operations management, such as the design of the operations system, including product, process and job design.
Slack, N. (1991) Manufacturing Advantage: Achieving Competitive Manufacturing Operations, Mercury. • Slack, N. and Lewis, M. (2008) Operations Strategy, 2nd edn, Pearson Education Ltd. • Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, ...
Essentials of Operations Management
Were you looking for the book with access to MyLab Operations Management? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to the MyLab. Buy Operations Management,...
This is today's indispensable introduction to supply chain management for today's students and tomorrow's managers – not yesterday's!
An abridged version of Operations Management for more introductory courses. The book uses a life-cycle structure which takes students through the entire operations process from beginning to end.
Essentials of Operations Management
Operations Management 101 find out how to represent processes in a diagram and get the lowdown on the operations management vocabulary used to measure those processes It's a risky business discover the risks that may threaten your ...
This quick-reference guide explains how to: Improve your production processes Boost quality using the Six Sigma approach Manage supply chains and inventory Forecast, plan, and schedule efficiently With Manager’s Guide to Operations ...