"With clarity and confidence, this vibrant volume summons up 'the social' in geography in ways that will excite students and scholars alike. Here the social is populated not only by society, but by culture, nature, economy and politics." - Kay Anderson, University of Western Sydney "This is a remarkable collection, full of intellectual gems. It not only summarises the field of social geography, and restates its importance, but also produces a manifesto for how the field should look in the future." - Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor, University of Warwick "The book aims to be accessible to students and specialists alike. Its success lies in emphasizing the crossovers between geography and social studies. The good editorial work is evident and the participating contributors are well-established scholars in their respective fields." - Miron M. Denan, Geography Research Forum "An excellent handbook that will attract a diversity of readers. It will inspire undergraduate/postgraduate students and stimulate lecturers/researchers interested in the complexity and diversity of the social realm.... As the first of its kind in the sub-discipline, it is a book that is enjoyable to read and will definitely add value to a personal or library collection." - Michele Lobo, New Zealand Geographer The social relations of difference - from race and class to gender and inequality - are at the heart of the concept of social geography. This handbook reconsiders and redirects research in the discipline while examining the changing ideas of individuals and their relationship with structures of power. Organised into five sections, the SAGE Handbook of Social Geographies maps out the 'connections' anchored in social geography. Difference and Diversity builds on enduring ideas of the structuring of social relations and examines the ruptures and rifts, and continuities and connections around social divisions. Geographies and Social Economies rethinks the sociality, subjectivity and placement of money, markets, price and value. Geographies of Wellbeing builds from a foundation of work on the spaces of fear, anxiety and disease towards newer concerns with geographies of health, resilience and contentment. Geographies of Social Justice connects ideas through an examination of the possibilities and practicalities of normative theory and frames the central notion of Social geography, that things always could and should be different. Doing Social Geography is not exploring the 'how to' of research, but rather the entanglement of it with practicalities, moralities, and politics. This will be an essential resource for academics, researchers, practitioners and postgraduates across human geography.
Thus David Grusky and Gabriela Galescu (in Wright 2005) present a model in which classes are equivalent to specific occupational groups, generated within 408 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE.
Journal of Historical Geography 22: 253–73. Powell, Joe M. (1996b). Origins of modern environmentalism. In Ian Douglas, Richard Huggett and Mike Robinson (eds.), Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind.
The process of learning qualitative research has altered dramatically and this Handbook explores the growth, change, and complexity within the topic and looks back over its history to assess the current state of the art, and indicate ...
The SAGE Handbook of Political Geography is essential reading for upper level students and scholars with an interest in politics and space.
" - Sallie A. Marston, University of Arizona "Captures wonderfully the richness and complexity of the worlds that human beings inhabit... This is a stand-out among handbooks!
... Kneafsey (eds) Geographies of Rural Cultures and Societies. Aldershot: Ashgate. pp. 262–82. Holloway, L., Kneafsey, M., Cox, R., Venn, L., Dowler, E. and Tuomainen, H. (2007). Beyond the 'alternative'– 'conventional' divide?:
Rhind, D. (2003) 'The geographical underpinning of society and its radical transition' in R. Johnston and M. Williams (eds), A Century of British Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, pp. 429–461.
As Hammersley has acknowledged, the creation in the education field of an orthodoxy around so-called scientific research principles 'may amount to a new round in the paradigm wars' (2005: 141). However, Hammersley writes that it is ...
The SAGE Handbook of Historical Geography provides an international and in-depth overview of the field with chapters that examine the history, present condition and future significance of historical geography in relation to recent ...
In M. F. Goodchild and D. G. Janelle (eds), Spatially Integrated Social Science. ... Hoff, P.D., Raftery, A.E. and Handcock, M.S. (2002) 'Latent space approaches to social network analysis', Journal of the American Statistical ...