The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods

The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods
Social Science
Debra J. Rog, Leonard Bickman


The SAGE Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods, Second Edition provides students and researchers with the most comprehensive resource covering core methods, research designs, and data collection, management, and analysis issues. This thoroughly revised edition continues to place critical emphasis on finding the tools that best fit the research question given the constraints of deadlines, budget, and available staff. Each chapter offers key guidance on how to make intelligent and conscious tradeoffs so that one can refine and hone the research question as new knowledge is gained, unanticipated obstacles are encountered, or contextual shifts take place - all key elements in the iterative nature of applied research. Each chapter has been enhanced pedagogically to include more step-by-step procedures, specific, rich yet practical examples from various settings to illustrate the method, parameters to define when the method is most appropriate and when it is not appropriate, and greater use of visual aids (graphs, models, tip boxes) to provide teaching and learning tools. - twenty core chapters written by research experts that cover major methods and data analysis issues across the social and behavioral sciences, education, and management; - emphasis on applying research techniques, particularly in "real-world" settings in which there are various data, money, time, and political constraints; - new chapters on mixed methods, qualitative comparative analysis, concept mapping, and internet data collection; - a newly developed section that serves as a guide for students who are navigating through the book and attempting to translate the chapters into action; - a new Instructor's Resources CD, with relevant journal articles, test questions, and exercises to aid the instructor in developing appropriate course materials.

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