Briefer than most texts on the topic, this book accessibly explores the interrelationships among theory, policy, and practice to provide a comprehensive understanding of both the historical foundations and the practical world of juvenile justice. The Sixth Edition, now published by SAGE, is updated throughout covering topics such as the history of juvenile justice, legal considerations in juvenile justice, theory and policy in juvenile justice, and current realities in the practice of juvenile justice. The book’s unique blend of theory, policy, and practice, coupled with a straightforward writing style and comprehensive ancillary package makes it a must-have for students and practitioners alike.
Newark, NJ: Matthew Bender/LexisNexis. Gainey, Randy R. (2002). “House Arrest.” Pp. 858-61 in Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, edited by David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Gallagher, Kathryn (1999).
In F. Esbensen, S. G. Tibbetts & L. Gaines (Eds.), American youth gangs at the millennium (pp. 90–108). Long Grove, IL: Waveland. Ehrenkranz, J., Bliss, E., & Sheard, ... Eiser, C., & Eiser, J. R. (1988). Drug education in schools.
Offering a comprehensive yet concise overview of the field′s most important concepts and issues, authors Richard Lawrence and Mario Hesse include cutting-edge research; practical examples of juvenile justice in action; and up-to-date ...
Thomas Grisso, “What We Know about Youth' Capacities as Trial Defendants,” in Thomas Grisso and Robert G. Schwartz, eds., Youth on Trial (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000). 20. See Elizabeth S. Scott, “Criminal Responsibility ...
Emphasizing evidence-based practices, the authors guide readers through the methods and problems of the system and offer realistic insights for students interested in a career in juvenile justice.
This new edition not only includes the latest available statistics on juvenile crime and victimization, drug use, court processing, and corrections, but provides insightful analysis of recent developments, such as those related to the use ...
America has waged a war on kids. In The War on Kids, Cara Drinan reveals how the United States went from being a pioneer to an international pariah in its juvenile sentencing practices.
"The lessons in this book remind us that we can—and that we must—do better, for the sake of our children, their futures, and the sake of our nation.
Revised editon of: Juvenile justice sourcebook: past, present, and future / [edited by] Albert R. Roberts.
... M. (2008). Evaluation ofbullyproofingyour school: Final report. Retrieved July 1, 2009 from nij/grants/221078.pdf * Olweus, ... Pepler, D. J., Craig, W. M., O'Connell, P.,Atlas, R., & Charach.