'The real strength of Richard Gargiulo's text is that it does not overwhelm the readers. Learning the vastùand often complexùfield of special education is no easy task. Yet, the text meets this challenge head-on' - Bruce A Shields, Ph.D., Daemen College 'Given the myriad of introductory textbooks on the market, I have continued using Gargiulo's text as it offers a clear, understandable overview of exceptionality and a wealth of resources that compliment my instruction' - Emiliano C Ayala, PhD, Sonoma State University 'The First Person features are very well done and the students love them!' - Michelle LaRocque, PhD, Florida Atlantic University Special Education in Contemporary Society, Third Edition provides a highly readable and research-based introduction to special education. Richard Gargiulo believes teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionalityùthey need an awareness and understanding of the human side of exceptional students and their families. This book is a comprehensive text with a people first approach that gives pre-service teachers a first-hand look into the lives of exceptional children, their families, and their mentors. Key Features and Benefits: - Shares the honest and engaging first person accounts of individuals with disabilities in First Person features - Provides targeted teaching strategies and suggestions with New Effective Instructional Practices boxes - Covers and integrates INTASC and CEC standards and Praxis II core principles - Incorporates new coverage of Deaf-blindness - Includes new and updated content in the key pedagogical features throughout: Chapter-opening narratives, 'First Person' boxes, 'Suggestions for the Classroom,' 'Making Inclusion Work,' 'Learning Activities,' and 'Technology Tips' Accompanied by High-Quality Ancillaries: - New and comprehensive companion website with student and instructor resource materials including chapter quizzes, full text SAGE journal articles and activities, flashcards and more. - Instructor's Resource CD-ROM with a test bank, PowerPoint lectures, computerized testing, and more. Special Education in Contemporary Society, Third Edition is an introductory text for the Introduction to Special Education and Introduction to Exceptionality courses.
Retrieved April 3, 2007, from http://www .nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/adhd/summary.shtml National Institute of Mental Health. (2008). ... The physiological bases of cognitive and behavioral disorders. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
This engaging text and media package, designed for students of special and general education, provides a rare glimpse into the lives of persons with exceptionalities, their families, and their teachers.
This engaging text, designed for students of special and general education, provides comprehensive coverage of human exceptionalities across the life span.
2015 Recipient of the Textbook Excellence Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) The Sixth Edition of Richard Gargiulo’s well-respected Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality ...
This dynamic new interactive eBook version of the Fifth Edition of Richard M. Gargiulo bestselling text, Special Education in Contemporary Society is ideal for students in online and traditional courses who prefer a more contemporary, ...
... R., 106, 178, 186 Lewis, T. J., 289 Liaupsin, C., 296 Liaupsin, C. J., 296 Lichtenstein, P., 246 Liefert, F., 456 Light,J., 351, 388 Lin, S., 525 Lin, Y., 499 Linan-Thompson, S., 220 Linden, M., 68, 70, 216 Lindman, F., 153 Lindsey, ...
This media edition of Gargiulo's groundbreaking first edition offers comprehensive coverage of human exceptionalities across the life span.
SAGE Introduction to Special Education, powered by Acrobatiq, from Carnegie Mellon University, transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together the authoritative content in Richard M. Gargiulo’s best-selling ...
Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn. Disabled Rights: American Disability Policy and the Fight for Equality. ... Thousand, Jacqueline S., and Richard A. Villa, eds. Creating an Inclusive School. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes, 2005.