This reader was developed to be used in several courses taught in sociology; it can be used in an introductory social problems course as well as a theory or special topics course. It can also be used in an introduction to sociology course where social problems are stressed as well as in a global issues course. The readings have been selected from numerous, well-respected sociology journals and they have been edited to make them more "user friendly" for the undergraduate student. Numerous articles from SAGE social science journals are included.
As a whole, the collection powerfully explores a wide range of contemporary social problems while providing the tools and context to help students think sociologically about the social problems around us.
Seeing Social Problems: Readings on Contemporary Issues in the United States provides students with engaging, thought-provoking articles that examine a wide array of current social issues, the types of behaviors that perpetuate such ...
Seeing Social Problems: The Hidden Stories Behind Contemporary Issues shows students how to think about social problems in a new way, by carefully analyzing headline-making issues they are already familiar with and illustrating the ...
Graham and Gurr , Violence in America , p . 410 . 38. U.S. Office of Technology Assessment ... Michael D. Smith , “ Hockey Violence : A Test of the Violent Subculture Hypothesis , ” Social Problems 27 ( 1979 ) : 244 . 44.
Leventhal, Howard and Paul Cleary. 1980. “The Smoking Problem: A Review of the Research and Theory in Behavioral Risk Modification.” Psychological Bulletin 88: 370–405. Levy, Kira, Kevin O'Grady, Eric Wish, and Amelia Arria. 2005.
“Recent Changes in U.S.Family Finances:Evidence from the 2001 and 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances”by Bucks,Brian K.,Arthur B.Kennickell,and Kevin B.Moore (with Gerhard Fries and A. Michael Neal). 2006.
"This is an undergraduate level reader for students taking courses in social problems"--
The book helps students appreciate the magnitude of the problems of the twenty-first century as they develop the intellectual tools to understand them sociologically and personally.Features of the text: "
Cutting edge reader featuring a diverse selection of edited and prefaced articles from both the academic and non-academic press.
The American dream champions individualism.