Contemporary Readings in Literacy Education is designed to provide students with high-quality journal and research articles in literacy education. The readings are contextualized with introductions and discussion questions by the editors of the text. The text will help instructors to easily integrate the latest research into their course in a meaningful way. This reader, with edited content and contextualizing material, makes the latest research more interesting and accessible to the students of literacy education.
These are all essential to practical inquiry, and it would seem that the Paideia schools established in ... and can carry them forward into higher education.24 What all these schools have in common is the power to improve themselves, ...
'Readingand spelling inDutch first and second graders: Do they useanorthographic strategy?' In C.K. Leong & R.M. Joshi (eds), Crosslanguage studies of learning to read and spell (pp. 249– 269).Dordrecht: Kluwer. Compton, D.L.&Carlisle ...
The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education offers a pioneering overview of early literacy provision in different parts of the world and brings together interdisciplinary research evidence on effective literacy teaching ...
This volume identifies and critically analyzes research studies related to the critical skills, environments, and adult interactions that contribute to young children’s literacy development.
The Science of Reading: A Handbook brings together state-of-the-art reviews of reading research from leading names in the field, to create a highly authoritative, multidisciplinary overview of contemporary knowledge about reading and ...
This text is concerned with contemporary attitudes and approaches to the teaching of literacy, children's literature and other non-book texts and media.
This book argues that the psycholinguistic nature of literacy is universal and seeks to recouperate late nineteenth and early twentieth century techniques for addressing it.
The lead author of each chapter is a distinguished reading researcher elected by their peers into the Reading Hall of Fame. A key message in this book is that literacy professionals must take an active role to shape change.
This issues reader presents current information on critical trends and developments in literacy education to help teachers choose and articulate their own informed approach to reading education. Now in its...
This unique book provides the reader with a mini-library of over one hundred readings containing: --both classic and contemporary readings--international contributors--material drawn from books and journalsAn essential reference resource in ...