In his research, he uses regression analyses of patents, scholarly publications, and high technology production data to test ... He has published a number of articles on political leadership and foreign policy decision making.
This introduction to world politics includes 21st century topics and features an active learning approach that should help students better understand international relations.
... Die magischen 50er Jahre (1999) Marsfieber (2003, with Wolfgang Jeschke) Streitbare Politikwissenschaft (2006) Mitgemacht (2015, ed.) v THE VISION “Ultimately, IPSA supports the role of political science Books by Rainer Eisfeld.
The 'Powell Doctrine' of overwhelming force was adopted by Bush Sr in that conflict. Despite Clemenceau's warning back in the early part of the twentieth century that 'war is too serious a matter to leave to military men' itwas ...
The book argues firstly that, Militant Islamic terrorism and weapons of mass destruction pose a threat which requires us to alter the way we think about the pre-emptive and preventive use of force.
Classical Debates for the 21st Century distinctively reconsiders the canon of political thought, in the context of current world events, by presenting debates between the ideas of classical theorists.
This book was published as a special issue of West European Politics.
What are the ethics of outsourcing war to private companies? By looking back to decades and even centuries of ethical analysis and political theory, this book provides fascinating insight into all these questions.
A New York Times best-selling author explains how the physical nature of the brain affects people's political decisions, suggesting that changing one's mind is just as much a physical process as it is a psychological function.
This text will be of key interest to scholars of democracy and democratization and more broadly to comparative politics, electoral studies, political theory, power and comparative political institutions.
This volume brings together a set of leading scholars who each examine the evolution of different social, political, and economic forces shaping Europe and America.