Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective serves as a guide to students delving into the fascinating world of deviance for the first time, offering clear overviews of issues and perspectives in the field as well as introductions to classic and current academic literature. The unique text/reader format provides the best of both worlds, offering both substantial original chapters that give an overview of the field and the theories, as well as carefully selected articles on deviance and social control taken directly from leading academic journals and books.
Polemics, politics and problematizations: An interview with Michel Foucault. In P. Rabinow (Ed.), Essential works of Michel Foucault 1954–84. Ethics: Subjectivity and truth (Vol. 1, pp. 111–120). London, England: Penguin.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Jensen, G. F. (2007). The sociology of deviance. In C. D. Bryant & D. L. Peck (Eds.), The handbook of 21st century sociology (pp. 370–379). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Jobes, P. C., Barclay, E., ...
... 22 threshold effect, 76 Timberlake,James H., 85 Toulmin, Stephen, 132 Townsend, Joan B., 126 Transcendental Meditation, 105, 112-116 trust, 187 Tuke, ...
In Ontario, Canada, in 2005, Atkinson met an endurance athlete named Ryan who had come to distance running after being diagnosed with, being treated for, and surviving cancer. Atkinson was particularly struck by Ryan's performance ...
Norms, Deviance, and Social Control: Conceptual Matters
Images of Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological History
Social Control at the Margins: Toward a General Understanding of Deviance
Conveniently divided into five comprehensive parts, Deviance and Social Control provides readers with a selection of articles that examine core issues in the field of deviant behavior and social control....
A look toward a general theory of deviant behavior.
Deviance and Social Control