Logistic Regression is designed for readers who have a background in statistics at least up to multiple linear regression, who want to analyze dichotomous, nominal, and ordinal dependent variables cross-sectionally and longitudinally.
... MATHIOWETZ, and SUDMAN - Measurement Errors in Surveys COCHRAN - Sampling Techniques, Third Edition COUPER, BAKER, BETHLEHEM, CLARK, MARTIN, NICHOLLS, and O'REILLY (editors) - Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection COX, ...
Here we find mathematical modeling, probability, and statistics. Here I will take you on a journey into the art and science of predictive modeling using logistic regression, inside-and-out.
Joseph M. Hilbe ... Beta Binomial f(y,y)=f(y|p)f(p) = [(m y)py(1-p)"-y] * pA-1(1-p)* – T T(A+B) T(m+1) py. A-1 (1-p)"-veh(A)P(B) T(y+1) T(m = y + 1) By integrating with respect to p, we can obtain the margin distribution of Y, ...
The focus in this Second Edition is again on logistic regression models for individual level data, but aggregate or grouped data are also considered.
This book is about making machine learning models and their decisions interpretable.
Other methods for exploring additive interaction have been considered in the literature including most popularly the Relative Excess Risk due to Interaction or RERI [Rothman et al. (2008); Hosmer and Lemeshow (1992)].
They often say the book reads like they are listening to an outstanding lecturer. This edition includes three new chapters, an updated computer appendix, and an expanded section about modeling guidelines that consider causal diagrams.
... Indicators Sullivan/Feldman Exploratory Data Analysis Hartwig/Dearing Reliability and Validity Assessment Carmines/Zeller Analyzing Panel Data Markus Discriminant Analysis Klecka Log-Linear Models Knoke/Burke Interrupted Time Series ...
Practical Guide to Logistic Regression covers the key points of the basic logistic regression model and illustrates how to use it properly to model a binary response variable.
... 152 Loftus, E., 10 Loftus, E. F., 10 Long, J. S., 327 Luke, D. A., 2, 34 Lynch, J. G., 285 Lyons, T., 94 MacCallum, R., 133, 136, 152–153 Malkiel, B. G., 298 Mannino, F., 136 Maxwell, S., 153–154 May, S., 353 Meire, P., 339 Menard, ...