This comprehensive graduate-level text prepares readers to handle the problems and responsibilities they’ll face as professional school counselors, preschool through high school. It covers a wide range of topics in-depth, including: effective interventions for racism and bullying, the continuing score gap between ethnic groups, a school counselor’s leadership role in implementing school-based action research, a model for advocating on behalf of, and providing services to children with disabilities. The book is packed with real life examples and case descriptions: it provides strategies for preventing and responding to social and emotional problems, improving educational outcomes, and helping children score at optimum levels on high-stakes tests.
The primary goal of the text is to provide readers with not only information but inspiration in service of their developing professional identity as a school counselor.
... J. C. 55 Brewer, J. M. 1 Bridgeland, J. 196–198 Bridges 205 brief counseling 107–108 Brigman, G. 62,68,77–78, 96, 132, 171, 174, 177–178 Bringman, N. 155 Brock, S. E. 254, 257, 259 Brodie, I. 154 Bronfenbrenner, U. 38 Brown, D. 172, ...
The book begins with an introductory chapter focused on school counseling within the context of the larger educational system.
Contemporary Case Studies in School Counseling is not a guide to school counseling but rather a conversation starter on the challenges that school counselors face on a daily basis.
I tell my students this is one book they do not want to resell."--Tarrell Portman, University of Iowa"This book is one of a kind, and provides invaluable guidance for transforming the school counseling profession.
The Essential Guide to Effective School Counseling Programs guides readers through the process of developing, organizing, and managing a comprehensive school counseling program.
Introduction to School Counseling
BUNDLE: Wright, Introduction to School Counseling + CQ Researcher, Issues in K-12 Education
'Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools' is a text and workbook designed to help aspiring school practitioners (school psychologists, counsellors, and social workers) gain the necessary theoretical background and skill set to work ...
This book helps it all make sense, and makes it even easier to grow as a counselor." —Gloria Avolio DePaul, Elementary School Counselor School District of Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL Blend individual therapeutic approaches into a model ...