Capture students' attention with this collection of mathematics, language arts, science, and classroom management strategies for experiential learners. Included are examples, visuals, and reproducibles.
Indeed, by applying the techniques in this book, you can create an endless supply of brain-compatible physical activities while helping your participants build cognition, health-related fitness, and physical skills.
Now is the time to give your brain a real workout! Secure a copy of this activity book and solve these games beginning today!
Learn by doing! This is a must-have guide on active and collaborative strategies aligned with the brain's natural way of learning.
This book will teach you to tame the: Dragons from the Past that ignite your most painful emotions; Negative Thought Dragons that attack you, fueling anxiety and depression; They and Them Dragons, people in your life whose own dragons do ...
This book is gives you the clear step-by-step teaching methodology process of exactly how to implement a fully integrated active brain based learning and teaching system that brings stellar teaching success.
Examples of these types of studies can be found in Bruel-Jungerman, Davis, Rampon, & Laroche (2006); Eriksson, Perfilieva, Njork-Eriksson, Alborn, Nordborg, & Peterson (1998); Kornack & Rakic (1999); Santarelli, Saxe, Gross, Surget, ...
We teachers can help students set daily goals to be accomplished at home or during study halls leading up to the project's due date . In upper elementary and middle school , communicating the project and daily goals with parents through ...
An Active Learning Approach Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch. ACTIVE The Scientific Method—Operationalizing Concepts LEARNING Continuing with our example, Levineand Waite (2000) were interested in looking at the effect of television ...
Using the strategies in this book, teachers can strategically "let go" in ways that enable students to reach their learning targets, achieve more, be motivated to work, learn to collaborate, and experience a real sense of accomplishment.
This edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning.