The Second Edition of Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory reflects the substantial research on all aspects of interdisciplinarity that has been published since the appearance of the First Edition in 2008. How to do interdisciplinary research is no longer the neglected topic that it once was. This book also reflects feedback from faculty and students who have used the first edition. As in the previous edition, the goal is to provide a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the interdisciplinary research process and the theory that informs it for not only students, but also for individual mature scholars and interdisciplinary teams. The book emphasizes the relationship between theory, research, and practice in an orderly framework so that the reader can more easily understand the nature of the interdisciplinary research process.
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research offers comprehensive treatment of the interdisciplinary research process commonly used by interdisciplinarians.
This Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research presents a bold intervention by showcasing a diversity of stimulating approaches.
Allen F. Repko , PhD, is the former director of the interdisciplinary studies program in the School of Urban and Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Arlington, where he developed and taught the program's core curriculum for ...
Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P. and Trow, M. (1994), The New Production of Knowledge, London: Sage. Gibson, B. (2003a), “From Transfer to Transformation: rethinking the relationship between research and ...
... orchard floors in Davis, California, USA: A comparative analysis of diazinon and esfenvalerate 115/1– 4:56–68 Brush, S., Perales H. (2007). ... 139/1–2:159–166 Acosta-Martínez, V., Bell, C., Morris, B.,Zak, J., Allen, V. (2010).
New to the Third Edition are guiding questions at the start of each chapter, a discussion of the public policy issue of "basic income" as an example at the end of each chapter, application of interdisciplinary techniques in daily life, ...
Through an in-depth sociological study of the development of nanomedicine in France and in the United States – an area that combines nanotechnology and biomedical research – this book challenges two conventional views of ...
Whether exploring the connections between apparently related disciplines, such as English and women's studies, or such seemingly disparate fields as economics and theology, Lattuca moves away from previous definitions based on the degrees ...
Since that lies beyond the scope of this preface, and as a form of continuity with the first edition, we primarily speak here of ''interdisciplinary research.'' (See Kessel and Rosenfield, 2007.) iii. ''The problematics of the problem ...
This book evaluates how we experience and understand buildings in different ways depending upon our academic and professional background.