Using empirical research, Effective College and University Teaching: Strategies and Tactics for the New Professoriate gives faculty and graduate teaching assistants the tools for understanding why certain teaching practices work and how to adjust their teaching to changing classroom room and online environments. The majority of books on college and university teaching are "how to" books. This book takes a unique approach and provides both the rationale and a detailed guide for how to use and teach these practices to others. Written by leading scholars and expert master teachers, this book outlines, reviews, and discusses the best practices for preparing graduate students to become effective in their duties as teaching assistants and as teachers of record and for new faculty teaching earlier in their careers. The book provides full coverage of those topics central to developing efficacious training practices aimed at the professional development of teachers at the college and university level.
What makes a good college teacher? This book provides an evidence- based answer to that question by presenting a set of "model teaching characteristics" that define what makes a good college teacher.
This book is a guide for designing professional development programs for graduate students. The teaching competencies framework presented here can serve as the intended curriculum for such programs.
This book, the conclusion of a fifteen-year study of nearly one hundred college teachers in a wide variety of fields and universities, offers valuable answers for all educators.
Using a unique global view, this comprehensive volume presents international perspectives on critical issues impacting teaching and learning in diverse higher education environments.
How Humans Learn aims to do just that by peering behind the curtain and surveying research in fields as diverse as developmental psychology, anthropology, and cognitive neuroscience for insight into the science behind learning.
This book is designed for teachers in further and higher education, particularly those who do not have specialist backgrounds in education, pedagogy or academic practice.
McKeachie's Teaching Tipsis a handbook designed to provide helpful strategies for dealing with both the everyday problems of teaching at the university level, and those that pop up in trying...
Rich in concrete advice, Making Scientists offers a new paradigm of how scientific subjects can be taught at the college level to underrepresented groups.
Gorham J. The relationship between verbal teacher immediacy behaviors and student learning. Communication Education 1988:37(1):40–53. 13. Rutledge PA, Mucciolo T, Bajaj G. Special edition using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.
These examples recommended by accrediting agencies makes this a unique contribution to the assessment literature. The book is organized in four parts. Part One is focused on student learning and assessment and includes ten chapters.