In the Fourth Edition Media Update of Special Education in Contemporary Society, author Richard Gargiulo provides a highly readable and research-based introduction to special education. This book is based on the author's belief that teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionality—they need an awareness and understanding of the human side of students with special needs and their families. The Fourth Edition Media Update can be packaged with an Interactive eBook that offers new video clips of educators, parents, and individuals with special needs talking about their experiences. Icons appear throughout the Media Update linking the book to the interactive eBook features.
This book is based on the author′s belief that teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionality--they need an awareness and understanding of the human side of students with special needs and their families.
This book is based on the author’s belief that teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionality—they need an awareness and understanding of the human side of students with special needs and their families.
Madden, M., 135 Mainzer, L., 143 Majkowska-Zwoliñska, B., 507 Malkin, D., 100 Maller, S., 415 Mallon, M., ... S., 541 Marquis, J., 118 Marschark, M., 413, 414, 420,422 Marshall, K., 438 Martin, E., 246 Martinez, E., 220, 222, 225, 234, ...
Blending theory with practice, the book helps pre-service and in-service teachers develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs they’ll need to construct learning environments that make it possible for all students to reach their ...
BUNDLE: Gargiulo, Special Education in Contemporary Society Interactive EBook, 4e Media Edition + Metcalf, Succeeding in the Inclusive Classroom
... Penny Cantley, Oklahoma State University; Douglas E. Carothers, Florida Gulf Coast University; Doug Eicher, ... Black Hills State University; Nicole Phillips, Daemen College and Frontier Central School District; Shaila Rao, ...
... 194 Barnes 2009, 338 Barnes, T.B., 287 Barnett, C., 47 Barnett, H.C., 42, 240, 266, 289 Barnhill,_]., 113 Barrett, W., 152 Barrile, L., 273, 330 Barrionuevo, A., 320, 325b Barrionuevo, A., 324 Barron, _]., 103 Barron, M., 241 Barry, ...
This practical book considers the purpose of technology and the support it can provide rather than a student’s disability categorization.
This bundle includes Richard M. Gargiulo′s Special Education in Contemporary Society Interactive eBook & Loose-leaf
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. NOTE: Used...