Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality is designed for use by preservice and inservice teachers who will teach students with special needs in the general classroom. The text provides a rare glimpse into the lives of persons with exceptionalities, including their families and teachers. Focusing on human exceptionalities across the life span, the text employs a traditional organization beginning with four foundations chapters that introduce teachers to special education, followed by ten "categorical" chapters each on a different "disability." Each categorical chapter features sections on transition, cultural diversity, technology, instructional strategies, and family considerations. In the Fourth Edition Media Update of Special Education in Contemporary Society, author Richard Gargiulo provides a highly readable and research-based introduction to special education. This book is based on the author′s belief that teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionality--they need an awareness and understanding of the human side of students with special needs and their families. The Fourth Edition Media Update can be packaged with an Interactive eBook that offers new video clips of educators, parents, and individuals with special needs talking about their experiences. Icons appear throughout the Media Update linking the book to the interactive eBook features.
... R., 106, 178, 186 Lewis, T. J., 289 Liaupsin, C., 296 Liaupsin, C. J., 296 Lichtenstein, P., 246 Liefert, F., 456 Light,J., 351, 388 Lin, S., 525 Lin, Y., 499 Linan-Thompson, S., 220 Linden, M., 68, 70, 216 Lindman, F., 153 Lindsey, ...
This book is based on the author’s belief that teachers need more than just academic knowledge about exceptionality—they need an awareness and understanding of the human side of students with special needs and their families.
Blending theory with practice, the book helps pre-service and in-service teachers develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs they’ll need to construct learning environments that make it possible for all students to reach their ...
BUNDLE: Gargiulo, Special Education in Contemporary Society Interactive EBook, 4e Media Edition + Metcalf, Succeeding in the Inclusive Classroom
2015 Recipient of the Textbook Excellence Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA) The Sixth Edition of Richard Gargiulo’s well-respected Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality ...
Retrieved April 3, 2007, from http://www .nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/adhd/summary.shtml National Institute of Mental Health. (2008). ... The physiological bases of cognitive and behavioral disorders. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
"Clearly written and well organized, this book shows how to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) across all subject areas and grade levels.
These guidelines for special education teachers cover gathering student information, classroom design, meeting with parents, evaluation, assessment, classroom management, instructional interventions, and grading options.
Teachers of students with disabilities will need to carefully consider how the students' disabilities impact their involvement with and progress in the general education curriculum (Constable, Grossi, Moniz, & Ryan, 2013).