Presents one-year's worth of devotions based on trivia questions from the Bible, explaining the story that relates to the question and what it means for the reader.
Contains more than 4,500 questions and answers about the Bible and the people, places, and events described in it.
It can be used in community and church groups, Sunday School classes, family games and devotions, or simply for entertaining reading. What’s unique about this collection of quizzes and facts is its variety.
One True Faith. THE LAST SUPPER. D. uring the Last Supper in the New Testament, Christ was celebrating the Jewish feast of Passover with His disciples. The Seder meal in Jewish tradition commemorates the meal that the Jewish people ate ...
Now The One Year Devotions for Kids, Volume 1 is available with a great look for a new generation of readers. Each day’s lesson focuses on a key theme from a Bible story.
Offers trivia questions on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
It’s okay if you can’t get your child to read the Old Testament direct from the Bible because this book of trivia will teach him/her all the essential lessons.
This one-year devotional is filled with interesting facts and stories, based on the popular Actual Factuals books by the author.
This is the second book in the series of the Bible Trivia Kids Love - Old Testament Edition.
Still can’t get enough of the New Testament? Then here’s more! This is the second edition of trivia compilation about the New Testament. Asking fun facts and trivia will be highly appealing to all types of learners.
Tasha hoped this meant a new, big-screen TV, while Margo envisioned a trip to Disneyland. ... "They're not around all the time getting into my stuff. ... Princess, one of the family's two cats, crawled up into Tasha's lap.