Book Review Index provides quick access to reviews of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media representing a wide range of popular, academic and professional interests. The up-to-date coverage, wide scope and inclusion of citations for both newly published and older materials make Book Review Index an exceptionally useful reference tool. More than 600 publications are indexed, including journals and national general interest publications and newspapers. Book Review Index is available in a three-issue subscription covering the current year or as an annual cumulation covering the past year.
The Childrens Book Review Index contains review citations to give your students and researchers access to reviewers comments and opinions on thousands of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media intended and/ or recommended ...
"Basics" is a series about the basic disciplines of graphic design. The first installment in the series is about logos and is classified into three categories: graphics, typography and illustration.
“If I grow up, I'm gonna have a ride like Marcus's,” he said through chattering teeth. He must've been freezing, wearing only that hoodie. “And chains and bling like you wouldn't believe. You know Rance got a solid gold chain that ...
The writers who stand accused, from Laurence Sterne to Samuel Taylor Coleridge to Susan Sontag, tend to be more talented than the writers they lift from. — MALCOLM JONES, “Have You Read This Story Somewhere?
As a Rollins Cornell Scholar, he received his B.A. in Theatre Arts with an Emphasis in Performance in May 2009. ... Actor's Art: Conversations with Contemporary American Stage Performers; The Facts on File Companion to American Drama; ...
The other term υJ(Li), which depends solely on size, then scales the numeraire cost across loans of different sizes. ... Projects We now describe terms of the loan contract, which will enter a bank's optimization problem in the next ...
Indeed, there are people and forces in the world of Darkness that endanger all those who exist.
"This collection provides a broad and deep examination of the social, political, and economic implications of the evolving, web-based media environment.
I greatly admired both the writing and the ambition.” —Ann Patchett A New York Times Editors’ Choice Longlisted for the National Book Award Finalist for the Gotham Book Prize and the 2022 Joyce Carol Oates Prize A Best Book of the ...
American Reference Books Annual (ARBA) is well established as a comprehensive source of reviews for all types of reference books, CD-ROMs, and Websites published or distributed in the United States and Canada.